We ultimately decided against the vasectomy, but at the time, January 24th seemed eons and eons away. We both (mistakenly) thought that the hernia surgery would be drive-by and didn't think about the logistics of having one of us laid up while the other (me!) contended with this new challenge of caring for a newborn and toddler simultaneously and singlehandedly.
A few days into this ordeal -- me bringing him meals in bed; he watching ESPN on a percocet high -- I started thinking something wasn't right with this picture.
On Saturday night I was offered a second glass of wine and declined saying, No thanks, I'm the one responsible for driving tonight. Then it really hit me, He's stealing my thunder! How is it that I've been the sober, pregnant, designated driver for the last 9 months and here we are just 4 weeks post partum (and more importantly, our 2nd night out) and I'm the one not drinking!?
Since then I've tried to have a good attitude about this whole deal: it is what it is, so better to just find the humor in the situation and get through it. As such, I've been keeping track of all the times he's whined and/or complained about something and proved the point that men are babies and could never get through pregnancy or childbirth:
- Just feels sooo tired: I heard this one a lot this weekend. I realized what a broken record I must have sounded like when my last trimester of utter discomfort equaled mind-numbing insomnia. Of course, the difference between his situation and mine was 4 days versus months and months, and he simply took off work and spent the weekend napping and passing out at 7:30 pm every night leaving me with the dishes to do and two kids to wrangle to sleep. I couldn't help feeling a bit of resentment that I had to weather my fatigue through normal work weeks and weekends where napping just wasn't an option -- and I did my fair share of cooking, cleaning and kid duty to boot.
- Disruption of normal bowel movements: Let me be blunt, certain circumstances of the percocet possibly causing constipation and the likely pain of engaging stomach muscles made hubby very, very afraid to shit. I won't go into this one in much detail, but c'mon mommas, don't we know the joy of the first poop post episiotomy!
- Problem of toddler kicking stomach: This is my favorite. After bathing the Jackal, he calls me into the bedroom because he really needs my help putting pjs on the kid. Why, I asked. Just now he almost kicked my stomach - I can't let that happen, he said. Interesting. I had to kick myself (no pun intended) for not using that excuse to get out of more chores while I was pregnant.
- Humiliation: If you've read his blog, you'll know how violated he felt by the utter horror of waking up to find that someone had groomed his private parts in prepping for the surgeon's knife. Obviously, all you ladies out there who've ever been through a Brazilian wax or have given birth will collectively roll your eyes at this one. I mean, puh-leeze. Getting through a vaginal delivery with your dignity intact is completely impossible. As I was sitting on the toilet at the hospital a few hours after getting sown up and the nurse was crouched down eye-level with my 'baby wound' shooting it with warm water I thought, Wow, it really doesn't get any more personal than this - I'm actually getting used to being on display.
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